Bibliotheek Hasselt x Jeroen van Loon, Fake News

Parallel Program

Jeroen van Loon, Fake News

On April 10, 2018, Mark Zuckerberg gave a testimony to the US Congress. He was asked how Cambridge Analytica had purchased the data from 87 million Facebook users and used it to influence the US elections in 2016. Fake News shows the full hearing on three different screens. There are different face filters to see, which are often added to selfies. Each filter, depending on the context, can have different meanings. In Fake News the filters are used to give a visual criticism of Zuckerberg and the members of the Senate, about their vision of fake news, the privacy of Facebook users and the possible regulations in the future. Fake News offers a fair representation of the shifted power relationship between technology companies and politics.

Martelarenlaan 17, Hasselt

Saturday 5/10 – Sunday5/01

Open every Monday – Friday from 10am – 7pm and on Saturday until 5pm

Free entrance